Wednesday, September 5, 2012

                    Information Processing              

In my original Big Idea model of how I felt children learn best by thinking, doing, feeling,and watching, which goes right along with the information processing model theory which according to our module readings state that information processing is split into three parts; Sensory Memory, Working Memory, and Long Term Memory which in turn is best described in the above model where I demonstrate the information processing model through a metaphor for successful learning because it is well supported by research and provides a well articulated means for describing the main cognitive structures (memory systems) and processes( strategies).

An activity you could try out using the information processing theory would be to have an open discussion about per say a story your reading aloud in the classroom to the students and ask them what they think of whats going on in the book, what their favorite part is and so on. That helps in stemming their information process individually.

As you can already tell from my previous model , I feel children learn best through hands on experiences this way they not only gather the information and store it but as well get to apply it through various activities in which they get to learn to work with others and gain and build friendships that are important to have as they get out into the world and be successful.

Andra Winslow

1 comment:

  1. Research shows that rehersal, in its different forms, is important for information to reach and remain in long term memory. A learner needs to reherse the knowledge or it will be lost. An important task of the teacher is to provide opportunity for rehersal and retrieval of knowledge so that when it comes time for assesment, be it a written test or a common everyday challenge, the student may recall the information so it is useful. We arm them with knowledge for life in this way.


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